PhD study granted from CardioCalm

10-08-2021 | Montichiari, Italy

Cardio Calm srl is funding a doctoral program in the Computer Science Department of University of Milan aimed on the development and processing of algorithms for the automatic detection of cardiac arrhythmia, starting from electrocardiographic tracings (ECG). The main objective of the research project will focus on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, and in particular on methods based on Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), applied to ECG data.

The research activity topic is intrinsically multi-disciplinary (computer science techniques applied to the medical field) and offers a unique training experience, allowing the student to interface and work with different stakeholders such as the University, the clinical context, and the industry of the filed. The exposure to an international environment is also a fundamental feature of the doctoral project, as the student will have the opportunity to spend part of the research abroad, also attending international conferences and summer schools. Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of deaths and represents about one third of the global death rate (WHO data). The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a widely used tool for the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, also in conjunction with the assessment of cardiac safety of new drugs.

The spread of new wearable technology, together with the modern implementation of AI and the growth of Digital Health solutions, require more and more the need for experts in the context of ECG automated analysis. As of today, there is a rich literature that cover applications of ML and DL to the ECG signal; however, the reliability of these algorithms is limited by the poor data frequently available and by the variability of data acquisition (type of hardware, patient selection, postural changes, and so on…) For this project, the candidate will be able to exploit the large amount of clinical data collected over the years by Cardio Calm srl and its partners such as AMPS-llc, a US based company world leader in the area of software for the analysis of cardiovascular signals, and in particular the resting and ambulatory ECG tracings.

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