Best in class 12 -lead ECG interpretation support for medical professionals

Professional users only

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Rooted in Science

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Only requires standard ECG data

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Rapid insightful analysis
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Recorded versus normal values
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Clinical validated

CineECG Insights


Academic recognition for CineECG

So Proud!! Machteld Boonstra (University Medical Center Utrecht) is promoted to Docter in Science and delivered the first academic recognition for CineECG!
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We have a winner with CineECG

Iris van der Schaaf just became the winner of the Jos Willems early career award and we can proudly say: we have a winner with ...

CineECG classifies +25% more patients with ACS

UPMC's Zeineb Bouzid presented impresseive CIneECG study results which show CineECG classifies +25% more patients with pain in chest symptoms
The next step in ECG interpretation support

CineECG: outperforming existing ECG expert systems

CineECG is a software solution which supports 12-lead ECG waveform interpretation. CineECG makes 12 lead ECG waveform interpretation EASY & BETTER. With standard 12 lead ECG data and within the clinical work flow. CineECG provides additional views on the ECG and compares the heart activation and recovery with normal healthy persons values. to present instant complementary views on the heart performance. CineECG is available via trusted partners. CineECG is only available in a research only version at this moment.
Easy access to real cases

Example report

The CineECG report contains 3 pages. The layout may differ per channel (our HealthCor platform or via trusted partner) but presents similar data explained here.

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Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ)

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There are 2 options for registration:

  • Sign up for our newsletter (name, email, telephone number)
  • Send us your contact data (name, email, organisation) to request a CineECG report and analysis on your ECG data (this if for medical professionals only)

Please send an email to
or click on unsubscribe in the newsletter email

Yes, we will only correspond to you through the newsletter emails and newsletter attachments. Your data will not be shared with other organisations.

Uploading ECG Data

At this moment you can not upload your ECG data direct to receive a CineECG report. CineECG data processing is only available through the platforms of our trusted partners.
For a test to check if your ECG data can be converted at this moment to obtain a CineECG analysis you can upload digital 12 lead ECG data sets in the following formats:
For other output formats please contact us via
Schiller XML
AMPS binary
AMPS xml
CardioCalm XML

At this moment this is not possible. Only digital ECG data formats are accepted by our system. In future we intend to provide a PDF to Digital conversion service.

CineECG Analysis

CineECG analysis is not based on interval measurements (rule based) but on ECG morphology analysis. The  main CineECG principle is to compare recorded ECG with normal ECG values.

The CineECG adds the direct relation between the standard 12 lead ECG and the cardiac anatomy. This provides a novel anatomical view on the ECG. We also compare the results of the CineECG analysis to normal distribution of CineECG values for normal healthy heart performances. The comparison with normal is also applied with the ECG waveform (all 12 leads).
The comparison is presented categorized in P wave, QRS, ST segment and T-wave.

In this section you will find the standard visual presentation of the uploaded ECG data in 12 graphs. You will also find a standard number of numeric values derived from the uploaded data regarding interval measurement analysis (Heart Rate, RR, NN, P duration, QRS duration, QT, QTc )

For a detailed description we refer you to the tutorials section where you can find a document with the description of the information provided in the report.

The origin of the normal CineECG output is a public ECG data set: Wagner P, Strodthoff N, Bousseljot RD, Kreiseler D, Lunze FI, Samek W, et al. PTB-XL, a large publicly available electrocardiography dataset. Sci Data. 2020;7(1):154.
The process which we have followed in deriving the normal CineECG’s has been published in an article: van Dam PM, Boonstra M, Locati ET, Loh P. The relation of 12 lead ECG to the cardiac anatomy: The normal CineECG. Journal of Electrocardiology. 2021;69:67-74.

The CineECG changes its location over time within the cardiac space. The CineECG locations have been determined for 6500 normal ECGs of the PTB XL database, thereby setting boundaries for normal CineECG locations. When the CineECG stays within this “normal cardiac space” the CineECG is conform these normal locations.
The normal distribution  applied is corrected for outliers and the normal range is within the 95% statistical range.

CineECG Reports

For a detailed description we refer you to the tutorials section where you can find a document with the description of the information provided in the report.

The CineECG report is only available in PDF format for download purposes. In the VIEW mode the report is presented as a PDF on screen.

CineECG Validation

CineECG has been validated through a growing number of scientific studies. For these studies we used a retrospective approach and used ECG data sets which have been qualified.
All the CIneECG validation stems from collaborations between ECG Excellence and teams of expert universities in Europe and the USA.
The validation regarding the normal CineECG values has been conducted by using a public available ECG database.
All publications underpinning the validation of CIneECG have been published in peer to peer reviewed scientific journals. A list of scientific articles is available on the website (about page)

CineECG validation is an ongoing journey. Every new ECG data set adds further value to the validation process and the tuning of the algorithms. CineECG is a result of earlier R&D regarding the use of computerized modelling to create simulations of a persons cardiac activation and recovery processes. The process of computerized modelling and especially the inverse variant in modelling has its roots in Dutch universities. During the past century this work has started and has resulted in ever improving computerized models of heart and torso to understand cardiac activation and the impact of tissue conduction, tissue quality and skin positions of electrodes.
The team behind CineECG has continued this journey and has found solutions to relate ECG data to the heart anatomy and has developed algorithms to show electrical pathways through this anatomy. The scientific base for the CineECG technology is extensive and if you are interested we advice you to download the R&D portfolio summary on the “about” page.

The history of CIneECG dates back at least 15 years and todays result has been achieved by collaboration with a number of organisations:

  • University Medical Center Utrecht
  • IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Milanese
  • Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Basel University Hospital
  • HochSchule Lucern
  • Peacs BV
  • Dutch Heart Foundation
  • Health Holland.
  • Eureka/Eurostars innovation support

At this moment CineECG has been tested for a limited number of cardiac disorders. Testing the added value of CineECG in detecting additional cardiac disorders is proceeding on a ongoing base. However the current version of CineECG is RESEARCH ONLY. The CIneECG report only shows the level of conformity between normal values and the recorded values.

You can find information in our R&D portfolio which can be downloaded on the ”about” page.

Please contact our team via the request further information box or send an email to

At this moment in time CineECG is not CE MDR certified. The current version of CineECG is only available for research purposes.
CineECG is in the process of being qualified for a CE MDR certification class IIa. This is needed for providing diagnostic feedback in the next versions of CineECG.
The company ( ECG Excellence) supporting and developing CineECG is ISO13485 certified systems.

CineECG Support

Our support is delivered by answers provided in a) these FAQ section of our CineECG website; b) in the tutorials which are also made available through this website (at this moment the tutorials are in PDF format but we will add video based explanations of the key CIneECG processes in the near future, c) we also offer the CineECG Demonstrator as an application to experience the power of CineECG in ECG interpretation yourself and d) by contacting our team via the dialogue box provided on the website or via sending an email to

We will either respond to you by email or if this is needed we will contact you for a bilateral conversation in which we can assist you even better.

by contacting our team via the dialogue box provided on the website or via sending an email to
We will either respond to you by email or if this is needed we will contact you for a bilateral conversation in which we can assist you even better.

Please contact our team via the dialogue box in

We are trying to answer all information requests within 48 hours in normal work days. If you send us a question during the weekend this response time may be a little longer.

What’s next with CineECG

The scientific base of CineECG and the domain of added value is constantly challenged and enlarged by our team. We expect to use CineECG for identification of more conduction related cardiac disorders both in the atria and the ventricles.
We are also planning to launch desktop and or Hospital Information System versions which will provide more functionality to users of CineECG. The interactive version of CineECG may support comparing CineECG’s from a same patient, beat selection-based analysis, selecting between 3D and 2D views, zooming function to explore more details. We also aim to work to a more patient specific solution of CineECG incorporating 3D photo derived information on the patient.

Yes, ECG Excellence has embarked on a mission to improve the ECG interpretation through digital twin-based technologies. A next step in this approach is to further increase the personalisation of the data collection and data processing. In order to achieve this, we are developing a technology which can easily capture the actual ECG electrode positions on the torso and derive the heart orientation from physical characteristics of the torso.
The vision guided ECG recording technology will also contain an ECG electrode positioning support facility which will show the operator where to place the electrodes on the torso, taking a person’s physical characteristics into account. Or apply a disease specific electrode configuration. This system will also support re-positioning of ECG electrodes at the same locations during a next ECG recording session.

Please contact our team via the dialogue box in

Please contact our team via the dialogue box in

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We are ready to show you how CineECG can help you evaluating a patients heart performance. Do not hesitate to submit your question or demo request
and we will answer as soon as possible. 

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