Computerized ECG interpretation

Computerized ECG interpretation was introduced some 50 years ago and this technology is now on the brink of moving to the next level
ECG interpretation remains a challenge

In this blog we revisit we the history of the ECG and despite great innovations ECG interpretation remains a challenge.
New Delta map ECG view

The new Delta map ECG view, is different from anything developed for the standard 12 lead resting ECG, making disorder detection effortless
Essentials of recording ECG

The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a great diagnostics instrument, yet the essentials of recording ECG are important to avoid misinterpretation
Improving ECG interpretation

A recent Mayo clinic podcast again stipulated the need to improve ECG interpretation skills, but there are other ways for improvement.
New dynamic view on the ECG

In this blog we are proud to present a new dynamic view on the ECG. This new view shows real time changes in heart conduction.
ECG Electrode placement variability

ECG electrode placement variability and differences in inter-individual human anatomies can lead to misinterpretation of ECG examination.
Female ECG interpretation risk

Gender differences in the ECG have been on the radar for almost a century but the female ECG interpretation risk needs much more attention.
ECG in new views

The ECG graph is probably one of the most used icons in the world. It is time to introduce the ECG in new views.
Normal ECG Waveforms

One of the key challenges in ECG interpretation is to distinquish normal ECG waveforms from abnormal. And this is notoriously difficult