Trusting Digital Health solutions


Trusting digital health solutions is one of the key challenges which need to be solved before patients can benefit from these innovation

Using computers to improve ECG diagnostics

Computing in Cardiology

This year’s Computing in Cardiology conference is held in Tampere Finland. Hundreds of attendants are visiting and presenting in the 3 days event. Our focus in on the sessions which focus on our key competences: ECG waveform analysis and Inverse Cardiac Modeling.

Virtual health care for heart diseases

heart health care diagnostics

The provision of virtual heart health care as a result of the pandemic restrictions (we faced in the past years) is an international trend. More and more consumer demand will grow towards clinical validated diagnostic tools which can deliver output at the moment of their own scheduling. We have already solved the second part of the challenge and we do deliver a fully automated 12 lead ECG interpretation for both rhythm and ECG waveforms

Genetic heart disease detection from ECG interpretation

familial ST depression syndrome

During the past 60 years genetic heart disease detection has improved, multiple syndromes have been identified from observing distinct and different Electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns. Applying computerized modelling which derives the average location and all heart electric activity opens a can of new diagnostic potential for the classic ECG interpretation

Remote heart monitoring and ECG waveform analysis

remote heart performance monitoring

Remote heart monitoring, called by many names has been an integral tool for caring for patients outside of facility settings for a long time, and its application has only grown in recent years as better technologies and infrastructure allow more capable monitoring in a patient’s home.