Discover the value of CineECG by trying our demonstrator tool
You can experience the added value of CineECG yourself. By clicking on the button (request contact) we will send you an email with a downloadlink for our demonstrator tool.
What you can expect from the Demonstrator:
- (free) download link within minutes in your mailbox both for Windows or Mac
- The demonstrator is an interactive tool for Mac and Windows
- It shows examples of normal, LBBB, RBBB, LCX, LAD Proximal, LAD Distal, RCA Proximal and RCA Distal ECG's
- No further registration required
- If you like what you see, spread the tool
- If you don't like what you see: please give us feedback on how to improve!
- The demonstrator does not support uploading your own ECG's
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